Bringing It All Together

With the basic conceptual definitions accomplished, let's examine six solution areas achieved through the use of I/O Concepts X-Direct products.

1. UNIX, X-windows based 3270 and 3179G emulators that use SNA as a transport into the mainframe.

This solution set is comprised of two major components -

The IBM 3270 and optional 3179G terminal emulators are robust, flexible emulators that provide a wide range of functions and features under Motif and OpenWindows GUI's. They reside on a comprehensive variety of UNIX systems and provide the terminal emulation and also the drivers to communicate with the X-Direct hardware device. The X-Direct hardware device model may vary depending on the number of sessions, required configuration, and type of physical connectivity that is required into SNA. However, for this product combination, the X-Direct hardware is attached to the SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) port on the UNIX platform and either Coaxial cable attached to an IBM 3174 or SDLC (Synchronous Data Link Control) connected to an IBM FEP (Front End Processor). Graphical interfaces for IND$FILE file transfer in addition to LU1 and LU3 printer emulation are included in this solution. Figure 3 illustrates the connectivity options of this product combination.

Figure 3

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